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Downtown is a collection of silly stories about the bizarre, and often times depressing lives of the people who live in a horrible place, only known as the "Downtown," or the "Dumps." Anyone can live Downtown, it's a mindset. From Boogervill to Naselstreet, you could still be Downtown, and that's not ever good. And if your life is sad, like many people's lives now days, you might be able to find a bit of humour in the english I've spat onto the screen. Thank you for you for reading, and please grab your reading glasses.

Just Let Me Watch My Soaps.
Starting in the kitchen, working it's way up from the sink, was a large mass of a bubbly substance. Slick and slidy and sliding along the floor. And that was when the TV shut off. "God damn it" I said to myself, it wasn't the first time this had happened, and all I could do at the time was hope that it would be the last time. I had nothing else to do but go somewhere else, and I didn't have any motivation to do that. And I wouldn't normally have any motivation. I just wanted to watch my soaps, and now the only thing I ever looked for had broken into a thousand tiny pieces. I would imagine myself in a small room, picking up shards of glass, and accidentally pricking my fingers with it. I didn't know why this was the first thing I started to think of until yesterday, when I started writing this for you. I looked around the room, in a daze, and noticed a small, bright, rectangle. My phone of course! I can call someone and ask them to tell me what's happening! I dialed that number as quickly as my fingers could allow, and then I heard some guy speaking.